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- Detta ämne har 23 svar, 7 deltagare, och uppdaterades senast för 3 år, 3 månader sedan av Lottapotta.
28 juni, 2012 kl. 13:01 #76726antoniaMedlem
hej Lalle, and others, It must be about 2mths since Slutade snusa. But one hell of a problem is weight gain recently,especially for the most unhealthy foo ,sweet things and bread. Feel hungry all the time. Now I have try not to buy that food and means have food already cooked in fridge.No bread or mjöl produkt.er. Vegetables prepared with meat or fish.So easy grab some bread when you get the cravings Anyone else have the weight gain from eating all that stuff!!??
Understand Swedish!
28 juni, 2012 kl. 19:36 #76727LalleMedlemAntonia, got the T-shirt.
Gained 6kgs over the first 2 months.
I will deal with one problem at a time so i don’t care too much about the weight, as long as it doesn’t get completely out of control.
For me it seems as if i have found my level, haven’t gained any more weight in the last month and a half.
So, rather chunky and drug-free than addicted and miserable.
When i hit 6 months i will re-organize my diet and start working out more.
Until then, i am not too worried
Apart from the eating, that seems to affect more or less everyone, how are you finding life without poison?
For me it’s smooth sailing. Get cravings now and then but i can’t say i miss snus.
29 juni, 2012 kl. 11:16 #76728antoniaMedlemhad a few cravings yea, recently. Sometimes dont know which way to turn. i dont use the plaster now,I decided to stop few weeks ago because my gums were not healing so well. It was written on this foru by a doctor that research shows continued nicotine use from plasters does damage to gums. It is hard to say how I feel but for sure It would be worse with it than without.I do fall asleep more easily now but wake up in the night.I decided yesterday to stop buying bread and cheese.So it is nit in the house I cant eat it. That is addictive for me. Cant say either get cravings as much as begining,dont think so much only odd times. When it gets stressful.
3 juli, 2012 kl. 18:40 #76729antoniaMedlemtoday bought a large cream cake and eaten most of it . Craving for putting the snuff under the lip- difficult. Managed not to eat any carrbs for last few days but then comes an enormous urge for it, hahaha
9 augusti, 2012 kl. 13:05 #76730antoniaMedlemIt has been over 3months now and don’t have cravings for the snus but have had one hell of a time with food cravings,especially sugar or food containg sugar, bread and have gained,well god knows how much ,daren’t weigh myself but don’t need to I can see it and clothes dont fit any longer. I have decided to take chrome or Krom in Swedish and other supplements that reduces cravings for sweet food and feeling hungry in general. This food addiction is nearly as bad as the nicotine as it can make ill with gut problems. I ran out of probiotics and prebiotics while I was ute på landet. Then I was eating Kladdkaka almost everyday and few glasses of wine now and then,and that has really done my health in. NOw got the probiotics etc and trying hard to keep off the bad food. Stomach swelling is down a bit and able to get gut moving again from those. Anyone else suffering with overeating after stopping snus.???? Help-!! (know swedish)
9 augusti, 2012 kl. 14:40 #76731MartinanMedlem172 dagar och 18 timmar
To me food has never been difficult. But if you do have a problem with food it is a difficult thing. Since, with nicotine, we can just plain stop. And never touch the stuff again. With food, well, we cant do that. We have to balance it. Every day.
Personally, i feel i can do anything after succeeding in getting off nicotine. Ok, im not out of the woods yet. After several months of no nicotinecravings ive been suffering a week with quite a bit of cravings. Strange. But still, i feel a level of control and selfconfidence ive rarely felt before. If i want to do it, i know i can.
One good idea is to start training. Running or such. Because even if controlling eating is almost impossibly difficult. You CAN control your level of excercise. And when you are running or such, you get a reward for managing your eating. And whatever happens, you carry whatever weight you happen to have with more grace if you are fit than if you are not. Just a thought. But as i said, controlling how much i eat is a trivial task for me, just how im made.
9 augusti, 2012 kl. 16:15 #76732antoniaMedlemthanks for sharing Martinan
10 augusti, 2012 kl. 09:29 #76733cumulusnimbusMedlemHej Antonia,
Om jag forstatt dig ratt sa fattar du svenska och har varit nikotinfri i tre manader. Grymt bra gjort, for har man klarat de tre forsta manaderna kommer man med stor sakerhet att klara det forsta aret med…
Matsug kan kontrolleras genom att planera sa man ater mer GI mat. Mat med lagt glykemiskt Index tar langre tid att bryta ner de innehallande kolhydraterna till glukos. Det ger en kanska av mattnad en langre tid. Efter tre manader har du formodligen sparat en del pengar pa snus. Kanske lage att unna dig att boka tid hos en dietist och en personlig tranare som kan hjalpa dig med att satta upp ett program?
10 augusti, 2012 kl. 20:03 #76734antoniaMedlemawww tack cumul. So nice of you to share. thanks so much!!
14 september, 2012 kl. 10:12 #76735antoniaMedlemhey Lalle if you are around…. I gained an enormous 12kg + …..now having to really disipline myself. No bread or flour products and sugar. no processed foodsatall, i have lost something. not weighing myself ..just look in the mirror and can judge by clothes. I could not get into any clothing item even underwear. it was nightmare. One addiction had been replace by another… It has been over 4months now without snus and I am not going back.
After the sugar addiction recently I also got this candida overgrowth which made the gut swell up a lot and digestive problems. So I have had results by taking anti candida prep and high dose of broad spectrum probiotics. It works…. the worst problem with changing diet is the cravings for bread and sweet food late at night. I eat an avocado and take a spoonful of coconut oil from health store. not easy with these food cravings. If anyone else has same prob ..let me know… Understand Swedish.
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